Postage from Kenton

March 2

“She’s in a better place,”
they will say.

And while this may be true
while it is
something you

Two things
can also be true:

This Place
is the place
you want her.

“You’ll see her again,”
they say.

And yes, you know that, too.

But today what matters
is that your arms
crave her.

Your left hand
longs for her
gentleness beside you,
for the physicality
of her, the comfort

The Now.

what the body needs
is greater
than what the mind knows,
greater even (perhaps)
than what the soul knows.

Salt craves sweet
and after a time
tears want laughter
if only for the distraction.

And what I want to say
to you is this:

Your love is bigger.

Big enough
to live fully
in heaven
and whole-
on earth

two feet
planted firmly
in sorrow, meanwhile
both hands
filled up with life.

What she knows

is that after so much longing
your love has grown
even bigger,

Your heart has
to love it all.

© Leigh Hopkins, March 2, 2016


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13 Replies to “Postage from Kenton”

  1. Thank you thank you thank you Leigh for such a gorgeous yet heart-wrenching poem. While reading it, I felt so much love for my ascended girl while also feeling loss and ache and tenderness and peace that comes every time I think of her. Your words fit within my heart and soul and touched me deeply. Once again, thank you. Namaste. 🙏🏼

    1. Thank you for such a beautiful reply. Anyone who has experienced this kind of loss knows what it means to feel between worlds, don’t you think? The love and the ache exist on the same plane, and eventually, there is peace to be found in that understanding. Thank you for sharing your heart with me, and with anyone who has experienced this. Namaste to you!

  2. Kenton and Leigh,

    Thank you both for sharing such beautiful words about the loved ones you have lost, and for being vulnerable with your pain. Leigh, for your inspired words of support and strength, thank you again.

    Love and big hugs to you both!

  3. The Traveler, by James Dillet Freeman

    He has put on invisibility.
    Dear Lord, I cannot see…
    but this I know, although the road ascends
    and passes from my sight,
    that there will be no night;
    that You will take him gently by the hand
    and lead him on
    along the road of life that never ends.
    and he will find it is not death but dawn.
    I do not doubt the You are there as here,
    and You will hold him dear.

    Our life did not begin with birth.
    It is not of the Earth;
    and this that we call death, it is no more
    than the opening and closing of a door…
    and in Your house how many rooms must be beyond this one where we rest momently.

    Dear Lord, I thank You for the faith that frees,
    the love that knows it cannot lose its own;
    the love that looking through the shadows, sees
    that You and he and I are ever one!

    This is my favorite poem and it helped me to read this when my husband made his transition.

    1. Mary, until you posted The Traveler, I had only read it in parts. I especially love this line: “I thank You for the faith that frees.”

      A poem for a poem. What a beautiful response!

  4. Leigh, VLawmo, Tracy, Carol, Debbie and Mary,
    Thank you to all of you for your kind comments. Debbie: I appreciate you mentioning my name in your comment.

    Leigh, Thank you for requesting hand-written letters from our hearts. I wrote about my wife Irene as soon as I read your request. Her birthday is March 11, 1948 so I was feeling a little disorientated today. But then, I returned home from work today (March 11, 2016) and discovered I received the “Postage from Kenton” email containing my scanned letter! A gift from the Universe on my wife’s birthday! As you well know Leigh, there are no coincidences in life. The universe’s web and my wife Irene touched me today through you. Irene is one of my Guardian Angels and I feel her presence often. More so than ever at this moment due to her working through you. I am grateful for you and your advocacy.


    1. Kenton, I’m so glad to hear from you, and I agree, I don’t believe in coincidences. In fact, I received your letter when I returned home from a trip on March 2, the three-year anniversary of the day when Irene left this world. I knew it wasn’t a coincidence, so I sat down and asked something to come through me that would comfort you, and there it was. There she was.

      I am humbled that you felt comfortable enough to write, and so moved that you shared your heart with all of us. Many people have written me privately to say how touched they were by your letter. Thank you for giving us this window into your heart. I am forever grateful.

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